“Here at RIVA Market Research, we considered ourselves smart and savvy in the ways to best market ourselves. What a surprise when we met Ms. Gehrett and discovered that we hadn't looked at ourselves with fresh eyes in a long time!
What G2 was able to do for RIVA was show us what our services looked like from the eyes of a user and to point out what we couldn't see. As a result of using her services, we developed an entirely new profit center that was recently launched to warm acclaim and promises to distinguish RIVA from other firms that offer similar services.
Prior to meeting G2, we would say the words 'marketing plan' or 'develop marketing strategy' and a dull glaze would come over us. We think we should know how to do this -- after all, we've been in business more than 20 years. The dull glaze, we now realize, was the result of not knowing where to start the process with a company that is already 'in stream.'
G2 made the process very easy by asking us a series of thoughtful questions that provided a floor for their understanding about us. As well it gave us a chance to 'toot our horn' so they could see how we talk about our services and our company. G2 entered into 'our universe' and mission and plan and then provided specific advice, techniques and methods by which we could reach our desired outcome. Specifically G2 coached us on how to repackage what we already offer to our clients in a new and expanded way so that we could maximize our current program offerings. G2 provided a written plan, and an outline of tasks to accomplish and then served us in a consultant role as we began to execute the steps. It was like having your own private running coach by your side when competing in the NYC Marathon! We got the result we wanted and our new profit center is beginning to pay for itself.”
—Naomi R. Henderson, CEO, RIVA Institute Inc.